Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Giant Ornaments

These don't exactly exude cuteness - also I took the pictures with my phone, in the rain - but the attraction here obviously lies in the fact that they are GIANT! You see, giant Christmas ornaments make everything else around them look mini. And we all know that mini things are super-cute! So next time you are walking by Radio City Music Hall in New York, and it's Christamstime, keep an eye out for these giant ornaments and lights, as well as the giant nutcrackers that I was too wet to take a picture of.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

White Chocolate White House

Apparently every year the White House pastry chef makes a gingerbread model of the White House. This year it was covered in white chocolate and the whole thing weighed 390 pounds. That's a lot of house!

But the cutest part was the little marzipan garden! Mini veggies are bound to be cute, and mini veggies made of candy are even cuter. The detail on these leaves and the baskets and signs are amazing. I'm not sure how I feel about the White House putting so many resources toward extravagant holiday decorations, but I am glad to know that they have some cuteness in there!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sushi Cakes

Sushi Cakes
My latest creation, to go with a sushi dinner we had at our house. Sushi cupcakes! Without looking at them closely, a couple people didn't even realize they weren't real sushi. Snigger snigger.

These are another great example of cute things that look like other things. Sushi is not cute. Cupcakes alone are not cute. But combine these two great things, and cuteness is born. Unfortunately, they didn't taste as great as they looked. But the point was really to admire them and we accomplished that!

For details on how they're made, read about them on GastroFabulous.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bent Objects

Another cute video! This artist at Bent Objects makes cool stuff out of wire. I've been reading his blog for a while now and he just came out with a book. Not all of his sculptures are necessarily cute, but the way the video shows them as regular objects and then as they come to life, the effect is indeed pretty cute!

The upwardly mobile cupcake was another good example of something that is made cuter because of it's humanesque qualities, and the same principle applies here.

In addition, these guys seem extra-cute because we get a glimpse into their inner workings. Cuteness is not only on the outside, you know! They have secret lives that we never see, and all kinds of mysterious adventures! Think about that next time you eat a marshmallow or a cheeto.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Yeah it's been months since I've posted, but I have not been neglecting the world of cute out there! This is a great one I've been wanting to share for a while, but when I first looked it wasn't posted online. We already know that putting faces on inanimate objects (such as this pipe and this tree) makes them super-cute. But this American Express ad takes it even further - they don't have to add faces to things because they found faces that were already there, hidden in everyday objects. It's so simple - we've all noticed faces in appliances and handbags - but it's also genius because it just keeps on going! Face after face! The chairs! The iron! The lonely hanger! The cute faces just keep on coming. Which one is your favorite?